do react data binding in an easy way. inspired by redux.
work with redux:
// specify data need to be concerned
myUser: 'user'
class User extends Component {
onClick(e) {
// trigger re render
// better use immutable.js
user: {
name: 'updated: ' +
render() {
return (<a href="#" onClick={this.onClick}>{}</a>);
// initial app data
user: {
name: 'initial'
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return <User/>;
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('__react-content'));
build in Store class, you can extend it to create your own store(such as redux store with reducer/dispatch).
bind the initial global store state to react root component and generate a high order React Component.
will save global store to this.context[storeName].
bind the subset of store state to react child component and generate a high order React Component.
will receive this.context[storeName] as global store.
WrappedComponent will receive the specified subset of store state and return value of option.mapStoreProps(store) as props.
default mapStoreProps will generate the following props:
update the global store state and re render react child components which bind to the specified subset of store state.
get the global store state. use with caution.
return a function which will batch setStoreState calls inside callback.
react-data-binding is released under the MIT license.